Well we saw our sweet baby Graham again today & man did he grow even more! He weighs 5 lb's which explains why I can hardly eat. He is taking up ALL the room I have & more! I am glad to say that everything looked great & we don't have to go to that particular Dr. again to check my fluid levels. They said everything looked great and would not need to monitor me. We did get to get several awesome pictures while we were there & he is just precious & healthy, we could not ask for more. God is good, and I just pray he continues to watch over little Graham & help him continue to grow (and turn from the frank breech position he is still in now). It won't be long from now & we will meet our little boy! Here our the fabulous pictures. He was very photogenic this time!
This first one is his foot.... the rest are of his face.
I have been married to my best friend & love of my life since 2/24/2007. We are greatful for each day, our family, friends, and opportunities that God has given us both. Our little family is growing & we are blessed by each new day God brings us... life is sweet.